About Us History

The Uganda Ginners and Cotton Exporters Association is an Association of Cotton ginners and Exporters in Uganda. Its members also include Spinners and Oil millers.

Incorporated on 18th March 1998, with the support of the Cotton Development Organization (CDO), the core purpose of Uganda Ginners and Cotton Exporters Association is to work alongside CDO in ensuring increased cotton production in Uganda through provision of high quality Seed, Pesticides, Fertilizers, Spray pumps,Tractor hire and extension services to over 300,000 farmers.




Cotton was introduced in Uganda in 1903 as the first cash crop and raw material for textiles and other by-products.

Cotton marketing and processing were liberalized in 1994. Subsequently Cotton Development Organisation (CDO) was established as a Government body to promote cotton production, monitor production, processing and marketing, regulate the Cotton Subsector and represent all aspects of the Cotton Industry in Uganda.


  • Cotton is grown as a cash crop and is a major source of revenue for both rural households and the National economy.
  • It provides employment at farm level, ginnery level, textile and garment manufacture and edible oil milling.
  • It is normally grown as a land opening crop and its foliage adds nutrients to the soil.
  • Cotton is a raw material used in the production of textiles, edible oil, soap, seed cake for livestock feeds, Linters for cotton swabs, paper, plastic & films manufacture and pharmaceutical products. Cotton stalks can be utilised as wood fuel and are used in the manufacture of ceiling boards and paper.


  • Cotton is grown at an altitude of below 1,500 above sea level mainly by small-scale farmers with an average holding of one acre.
  • It is entirely grown under rain-fed conditions in two thirds of Uganda.
  • Cotton performs best in sandy loam or volcanic soils which are free from water logging.


  • On spot cash payments to farmers for their crop under liberalized marketing.
  • Increase in ginning capacity.
  • Purification of planting seed and reduction in seed rate due to delinting (removal of fuzz) and grading of seed.
  • Development of improved agronomic and technological packages and their dissemination using demonstration plots.